Welcome to Southwest Greensburg Borough!

Borough Office
564 Stanton Street

Greensburg, PA 15601


Office: 724-834-0360

Fax: 724-836-3825

Office Hours
Monday - Friday  9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Follow us on Facebook at


Council Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm at The Southwest Greensburg Volunteer Fire Department 

Community Room located at the 

Corner of Guthrie & Alexander Streets.

Agenda Workshop Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Southwest Greensburg Borough Office, 564 Stanton Street. 

Current News and Updates

Check here for up to date Borough Information and for more news, 

please click the button below to be redirected to 

News and Updates page.

Third quarter garbage payment is due October 15, 2024

Post Date:  10.3.24

2024 Leaf Collection Pickup Schedule 

Leaf Collection Schedule 2024.pdf

Post Date 10.1.24

Post Date:  9.12.24

The Borough Buzz is Southwest Greensburg Borough quarterly newsletter for borough related information. 


Want to get copy sent directly to your email?  Please click the link below:



Post Date:  9.4.24

Post Date:  7.31.24

Quarterly Trash Bill Due

Reminder, if you elected to make quarterly garbage payment, the 3rd quarter garbage bill is due October 15, 2024. The 2024 residential quarterly rate is $50.00.  Payments can be made online at


If you do not have your account number, list the property address for which you are making payment

or payments can be:

*Mailed to 564 Stanton St, Greensburg, PA 15601

*Left in door mail slot

*In person during office hours Monday to Friday 9 am to 3 pm.  Please check website for holiday office closures.

Please make checks payable to SOUTHWEST GREENSBURG BOROUGH

Post Date:  9.27.24

Southwest Greensburg Police Department is looking for  Part Time Police Officers


Post Date:  May 14, 2024


Post Date:  2.14.24

Xerox Scan_05032022081624.PDF

Southwest Greensburg Police Department Surveillance Camera Registration Form

Registration is voluntary and there is no cost associated with registration.  Registering your information does not provide SWGPD with direct access to your camera.  You may delete your registration at any time. Your information will be accessed by law enforcement personnel who are investigating a crime in the vicinity of where your camera is located. You will only be contacted by the Southwest Greensburg Police Department in the future if there is a criminal incident in the vicinity of your security camera.  Police personnel, if necessary, may request a copy of any video captured by your camera, which may assist in the investigation of a crime.

If you have any questions, please email swgpolice@gmail.com


Now accepting credit card payments

The Borough Office can now take payments for Applications, Certifications, Permits, Registrations and more. Payments must be made in Office during business hours. 

Please note, Garbage payments using a credit card are still made online only at swgreensburg.egovpayments.com/egov/apps/payment/center.egov

Post Date: August 26, 2021 

Curfew for Minors in Southwest Greensburg Borough

Here is a section of the Curfew Ordinance for Minors in Southwest Greensburg Borough. 

To review the complete Ordinance, please visit the Borough Code page on this website.


It shall be unlawful for any person 17 or less years of age (under 18) to be or remain in or upon the streets within the Borough of Southwest Greensburg at night during the period ending at 6 a.m. and beginning: 

A. At 10 p.m. for minors 11 or less years of age;

B. At 10:30 p.m. for minors 12 or 13 years of age; and

C. At 11 p.m. for minors 14 or more years of age.

Post Date: June 21, 2021